Wings for Aid receives 1,5 mln

Published 4 December 2015 by P. Jongert

Wings for Aid unites technology and humanitarian aid to bring help to those in need

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According to the World Health Organization, more than 500 million people in Africa live in areas where they don’t have access to the essencial medicines they need for their treatments. This growing problem is mainly caused due to the way health services are organized, financed and delivered. In these cases, ensuring humanitarian supplies and personnel reach the people they are intended to benefit, however remote and inaccessible their communities, is fundamental to any successful aid intervention.

On the other hand, it is also important to mention “the last mile” problem, an issue well known to those involved in relief delivery in disaster areas or inaccessible communities. In situations like these, it is vital to deliver all kinds of necessities to the affected area, but the reality is that traditional means of transport are not always effective when it comes to the last part of the route.

Cargo Internet Development (CID), led by Barry Koperberg, came up with a solution: Wings for Aid.

Avionics Control Systems is working alongside CID to carry out the Wings for Aid project, which aims to create cargo drones capable of delivering the necessary relief supplies over that problematic last part of the route to affected people, until larger vehicles can access the area and provide humanitarian aid.

Due to our solid experience in the development of autopilot systems, our team will work customizing our Hermes autopilot to its maximum in order to provide a very accurate drone management system and ensure the safe delivery of the goods.

Amongst other characteristics, it is worth highlighting that this innovative solution will allow the receiver of the package to monitor and authorizing the safe delivery of the aid through a mobile phone. This feature adds a layer of safety that is significant in this kind of environments.

The project has been featured in the latest issue of PWC and is getting growing attention by the media and several NGOs.

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